
About Natalie Nier

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So far Natalie Nier has created 161 blog entries.

Impact Story: Executive Leadership Forum in Kansas & Missouri – Guiding Leaders Guiding Change

In response to the rapidly changing context of delivering education during COVID-19, Region 12 Comprehensive Center (R12CC) launched a monthly forum to engage school superintendents in conversations about leading change during times of uncertainty. Drawing on research and experience from multiple fields, sessions are designed to help leaders

2024-08-15T14:35:20-04:00May 16th, 2023|Impact Stories, Kansas, Missouri, News, Resources|

Strengthening Colorado’s Educator Workforce Pipeline Learning Community

The R12CC hosts quarterly learning community sessions focused on strengthening and diversifying the Colorado educator workforce for state, local, and preparation program leaders. The sessions provide an opportunity for participants to share the bright spots and opportunities in their work to improve educator recruitment and retention efforts, and

2023-10-18T10:20:08-04:00May 11th, 2023|Colorado, News|

R12CC Spring 2023 Newsletter

Learn about our continued work in the region, meet new team members, and access resources highlighting an initiative in Connecticut to improve student attendance that is showing promising results.

2023-04-13T13:49:35-04:00April 13th, 2023|News|

Statewide System Development in Missouri: Spring 2023 Project Updates

In Missouri, project staff are collaborating with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to support the expansion of the Missouri Leadership Development System (MLDS). A recent article highlighted Missouri’s efforts and success in increasing principal participation in and principal retention rates through MLDS. As part of this work, R12CC surveyed mentors in MLDS

2023-04-10T15:25:31-04:00April 10th, 2023|Missouri, News|

Kansans Can: Spring 2023 Project Updates

R12CC’s work in Kansas includes hosting a monthly Executive Leadership Forum with superintendents to support them as they lead change management initiatives. Recent sessions focused on developing leadership in others and improving principal’s use of political, educational, and organizational levers for change. In response to needs sensing, support has shifted to include plans for developing

2023-04-10T15:25:41-04:00April 10th, 2023|Kansas, News|