
About Natalie Nier

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So far Natalie Nier has created 161 blog entries.

Addressing Educator Workforce Shortages: Colorado Bright Spots

Districts and schools in Colorado that have experienced success with retaining teachers through effective strategies in schools with high-need populations and geographic factors associated with lower retention rates are highlighted in this “Bright Spots” report. Representatives from the five schools across three school districts that were identified as Bright

2022-11-17T17:22:01-05:00November 16th, 2021|Colorado, News, Resources|

COVID-19 Data Dashboard

The U.S. Department of Education, in collaboration with the CDC, has launched a new COVID-19 data dashboard to help educators and families understand the impact of COVID in their communities.

2021-12-14T15:38:16-05:00November 12th, 2021|News, Resources|

R12CC Fall Newsletter Highlights Recent Work

Learn about our continued plans to support Region 12 states to positively impact student outcomes through strengthening the educator workforce pipeline, growing transformational leaders, and designing and supporting personalized learning.

2021-12-15T09:07:34-05:00November 5th, 2021|News|

Supporting Statewide Systems in Missouri

R12CC continues to work with the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to achieve a goal of supporting at least 50% of Missouri’s principals through the Missouri Leadership Development System (MLDS). Recent capacity building services have included facilitating monthly executive leadership forums for superintendents, conducting an exploration of hybrid learning formats, and developing

2021-10-29T12:27:40-04:00October 29th, 2021|Missouri|

Scaling School Redesign in Kansas

The Kansans Can Redesign initiative guides schools to focus on strategies that ensure students develop academic, civic, and social capacities needed to be successful in postsecondary education, the workforce, and in the community. To support the implementation and scaling of this initiative, R12CC assists Kansas leaders in the identification of effective leadership practices to manage change initiatives and builds capacity to measure and monitor

2021-11-09T21:45:18-05:00October 29th, 2021|Kansas|