
Voices from the Field: Teacher Leadership Development in Kansas Redesign Schools During a Time of Uncertainty

Voices from the Field spotlights stakeholders in Region 12 and their work to improve educational opportunities and outcomes. R12CC is privileged to share the insights of Dr. Tammy Mitchell, Elementary Redesign Specialist, Division of Learning Services, Kansas State Department of Education.                             

2022-02-28T14:16:48-05:00February 23rd, 2022|Blog, Kansas, News|

Scaling School Redesign in Kansas

The Kansans Can Redesign initiative guides schools to focus on strategies that ensure students develop academic, civic, and social capacities needed to be successful in postsecondary education, the workforce, and in the community. To support the implementation and scaling of this initiative, R12CC assists Kansas leaders in the identification of effective leadership practices to manage change initiatives and builds capacity to measure and monitor

2021-11-09T21:45:18-05:00October 29th, 2021|Kansas|

Kansans Can Training Cadre Resource

Over twelve months and 25 sessions, R12CC convened Kansas Redesign Training Cadre members to build their capacity to support districts and schools to use state standards, personalized learning, and competency-based education to continuously improve schools. Completed as a compendium to the training cadre, this executive summary includes strategies

2022-11-17T16:43:45-05:00October 26th, 2021|Kansas, News, Resources|

Leading During Period of Uncertainty: Building Capacity for Guiding Change

This past August, in response to the rapidly changing context of delivering education during COVID-19, Region 12 Comprehensive Center launched a monthly forum to engage Kansas school superintendents in conversations about leading change in times of uncertainty. Facilitated by Bryan Goodwin, CEO of McREL International, and Bill Slotnik, CEO of the Community Training and Assistance

2021-07-19T14:57:44-04:00May 26th, 2021|Kansas, Missouri, News|

Supporting School Redesign through Training Cadre and Leadership Development

R12CC is assisting the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) with implementation and scaling of the Kansans Can Redesign Initiative. Schools engaged in redesign are guided by four core principles—personalized learning, student success skills, family/business/community partnerships, and real-world application—to help students develop academic and non-academic capacities needed to be successful in postsecondary education, the workforce,

2021-02-18T11:28:05-05:00February 18th, 2021|Kansas|