
Engaging Colorado Stakeholders in Developing Place-Based Solutions

On April 20, 2021, the R12CC hosted a webinar titled “Strengthening the Educator Workforce Pipeline—Free Resources and Supports for Tackling Educator Shortages” in collaboration with the Colorado Department of Education. Education stakeholders from across Colorado were introduced to tools available to support their efforts to better understand and address educator shortages. The one-hour webinar offered

2021-07-19T14:59:10-04:00June 3rd, 2021|Colorado, News|

New Project Launched: Colorado Dropout Prevention Framework Update and Refresh

R12CC’s newest and second Colorado project—the Colorado Dropout Prevention Framework Update and Refresh Project—has formally launched. The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) developed the Colorado Dropout Prevention Framework in 2010 featuring methods and strategies to prevent school dropout and increase student re-engagement.1 While Colorado’s dropout rate is at its lowest (1.8%)2 point in a decade,

2021-07-19T14:58:32-04:00June 1st, 2021|Colorado, News|

Addressing Educator Workforce Shortages: A State Comparison Brief

A talented educator workforce is an essential foundation for improving educational outcomes for students. As such, securing teachers at all levels of the educator pipeline (recruitment, preparation, and retention) is necessary for student success. Unfortunately, the United States educator workforce is experiencing shortages of crisis-level proportions, and these shortages

2021-04-26T17:12:51-04:00April 26th, 2021|Colorado, News, Resources|

Bright Spots Highlight Effective Pipeline Strategies

R12CC staff are supporting the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and its stakeholders to use geographic information systems (GIS) to map a variety of demographic, socioeconomic, and talent management data, including trend data, in order to explore the influences of place on educator workforce pipeline in the state. Recently, the project team has been working

2021-02-18T18:39:28-05:00February 18th, 2021|Colorado|

R12CC Welcomes New Colorado Co-Lead

R12CC welcomes Tracie Corner as the new state co-lead for Colorado. Tracie will provide technical assistance and support for projects focused on dropout prevention and identifying strategies to address educator shortages. Prior to this new role, Tracie served as an internal evaluation team member for both the Region 11 and 12 Comprehensive Centers. Tracie began

2021-02-03T14:57:09-05:00January 22nd, 2021|Colorado, News|

Stakeholders Examine GIS Maps for the Influences of Place on Educator Shortages

Leading up to the 2019–20 school year, Colorado schools sought to fill 7,242 teaching positions representing 13.25% of all teaching positions in the state (Colorado Department of Education, 2020). Of those positions, 1,132 remained unfilled or were filled through a shortage mechanism (e.g., long-term substitutes, retired educators, alternative / emergency authorizations). The ability to retain

2021-02-02T16:04:48-05:00November 20th, 2020|Colorado|