R12CC staff are supporting the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and its stakeholders to use geographic information systems (GIS) to map a variety of demographic, socioeconomic, and talent management data, including trend data, in order to explore the influences of place on educator workforce pipeline in the state.

Recently, the project team has been working to identify updates and enhancements to the GIS map (version 1.0) created in Year 1. The next iteration of the map (version 2.0), will help users to explore relationships and patterns among data and identify possible bright spots, i.e., districts or regions where shortage impacts are minimal to non-existent.

Case studies will be developed, highlighting where specific workforce pipeline strategies and approaches have been effective, to share with Colorado education stakeholders. Further, to help build knowledge of effective strategies occurring in other states, the project team is developing a briefing document highlighting common themes among states and unique approaches that may be informative to Colorado stakeholders and others.

Coming Soon! Colorado Dropout Prevention Framework Update and Refresh Project

While Colorado’s statewide dropout rate is at its lowest in 10 years, the CDE seeks to update its Colorado Dropout Prevention Framework to help foster its ongoing innovation and adaptiveness to changing contexts while simultaneously strengthening its dropout prevention services in present and future. Check back soon to learn more about this new project!