Considered one of the nation’s most comprehensive statewide principal development initiatives, the primary purpose of the Missouri Leadership Development System (MLDS) is to develop and support effective school leaders.

R12CC employed a mixed-methods design for this evaluation by collecting both quantitative and qualitative data to address overarching research questions. The evaluation examined areas such as educators’ overall perceptions of MLDS, the extent to which MLDS supports principals to address leadership challenges, and teacher leaders’ perceptions of their principals’ participation in MLDS.

From 2018–19 to 2022–23, principals and superintendents indicated MLDS effectively develops and supports school leaders. Teacher leaders also believed their principals’ participation in MLDS positively contributes to improvement in classroom instruction and student learning.

Findings from this study support the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to further strengthen the program by making evidence-based refinements.

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Visit the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s website to learn more about MLDS.