Leading up to the 2022–23 school year, Colorado schools sought to fill 8,294 teaching positions representing 14.97% of all teaching positions in the state. Of those positions, 2,208 remained unfilled or were filled through a shortage mechanism (e.g., long-term substitutes, retired educators, alternative/emergency authorizations). The ability of schools and districts to retain teachers reduces the demand and expense related to recruitment and limits the negative impact teacher turnover has on student achievement and school improvement efforts. This is particularly true in the lowest performing schools and in high-poverty, high-minority school communities.
R12CC is collaborating with the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) to assist Colorado education stakeholders to address the statewide educator shortage using custom-designed geographic information system (GIS) maps and related resources (e.g., State Comparison Brief, Colorado Bright Spots Report). GIS maps incorporate a variety of demographic, socioeconomic, and talent management data that allow stakeholders to explore relationships and patterns, and identify possible bright spots where specific workforce pipeline approaches or strategies may have been effective.
With R12CC’s support, stakeholders will be able to use the GIS maps and related evidence on effective strategies for strengthening the educator workforce pipeline to take action to strengthen one or more aspects of the educator workforce pipeline (e.g., attracting, preparing, and retaining teachers); deepen their understanding of the Colorado educator workforce pipeline, including strategies and current approaches to strengthen and diversify the pipeline; and learn from/network with peers.
R12CC is also assisting CDE to update the Colorado Dropout Prevention Framework to support continuous improvement in student reengagement and recovery efforts. The current dropout rate in Colorado is 2.2%, an increase of 0.4 percentage points from 2021 and the first time the dropout rate increased since 2015.
The updated Dropout Prevention Framework’s innovation, utility, and adaptiveness to changing contexts will continuously improve and support CDE’s dropout prevention and student reengagement services in the present and future. To facilitate and support the framework’s dissemination, R12CC is working with CDE on their outreach to stakeholders about the use of the framework, developing strategy-specific implementation stories, building internal capacity for cross-office use, and planning for the framework’s long-term sustainability.
Project Updates
Voices from the Field: An Interview with Carolyn Haug from CDE
Voices from the Field spotlights stakeholders in Region 12 and their work to improve educational opportunities and outcomes. R12CC is privileged to collaborate with and share the insights of Dr. Carolyn Haug, Director
Educator Workforce and Dropout Prevention Project Implementation: Fall 2022 Updates
The Strengthening the Educator Workforce Pipeline project focuses on supporting education stakeholders to use geographic information system maps to understand factors that may be affecting educator shortages and identify and share effective locally developed practices with peers. As part of
Year 3 Project Highlights
Work during our third project year continues to focus on providing high-quality technical assistance, building collaborative relationships, and supporting educational agencies to make systemic changes. View these project highlights to learn more about our work:
Supporting Colorado’s Educator Workforce and Dropout Prevention: Winter 2022 Updates
Work during our third project year continues to focus on providing capacity building services to guide stakeholders’ use of the geographic information system (GIS) map to analyze placed-based data and develop strategies appropriate for addressing contextual factors that impact the
GIS Map Exploration and Application Resources
Are you grappling with educator shortages and turnover in your work or perhaps you would like to help those who are? Do you wonder whether variables such as teacher supply, working conditions, or
Strengthening the Colorado Educator Workforce Pipeline: Facilitating GIS Map Exploration and Application
This R12CC resource includes a facilitator’s guide and workbook to assist teams of Colorado stakeholders to understand how to use the geographic information system (GIS) map to identify challenges and opportunities to strengthen the
Addressing Educator Workforce Shortages: Colorado Bright Spots
Districts and schools in Colorado that have experienced success with retaining teachers through effective strategies in schools with high-need populations and geographic factors associated with lower retention rates are highlighted in this “Bright Spots”
Engaging with the Field in Colorado: Educator Workforce and Dropout Prevention
R12CC is supporting Colorado education stakeholders to utilize a customized geographic information system (GIS) map and related evidence on effective strategies to strengthen the educator workforce pipeline. Recent accomplishments include updates and enhancements to the GIS map and facilitation of